Clergy Appreciation Mass and Banquet – October 21

by Dan King

Brother Knights,

At our meeting this Wednesday, we will be selling tickets to the Clergy Appreciation Banquet to be held at St. Joseph’s Parish Thursday, October 21, 2010. Mass will be at 5:30 PM and the Banquet at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $10 each.

Bishop Joe Vasquez and all local Clergy will be attending.

Thank You,
Dan King

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2nd and 3rd Degree – This Sunday, October 3rd


All of us who have not yet been admitted to full knighthood should
aspire to do so.  Well, this Sunday is your chance and you don’t have
to leave home to accomplish it.  There will be a 2nd and 3rd Degree
this Sunday in Bryan.  It all starts with the celebration of the Holy
Eucharist at 8:30 am @ St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bryan.  After
mass we plan to caravan over to the Bryan KofC Hall for the

The 2nd and 3rd Degree will begin at approximately 10:00 am in the
Bryan KofC Hall.  Lunch will be served after the exemplification for a
nominal fee.

Brothers, this is your chance to achieve full Knighthood in our
council.  If you are a first degree member, I urge you to take the
next step and become a 3rd degree member.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight

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Welcome Our New Members

By Grand Knight: Ron Gay


We had an outstanding First Degree exemplification this past
Wednesday. Once again, we need to lift up Gary Richardson and the
First Degree team for an outstanding performance. Thank you Gary, Joe
LaBabara, Michael Hlavinka, Adrian Martinez, Tim Murphy, Al Mazoch,
and Larry Wisneski.

Please join me in welcoming into our ranks two new members, Brothers
Christopher Diem and Thad Hargett. Christopher and Thad were among
the 34 new members who joined our ranks last Wednesday.

Next on the agenda is the Second and Third Degree scheduled for
Sunday, October 3 in Bryan. We have quite a few members in Council
3205 who need to advance to the Third Degree. Now is you chance, and
it’s right here in our own back yard. Candidates will assemble and
attend the 8:30 am mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Bryan. The
Second and Third Degree will follow immediately after the mass at
Council 1834 KofC Hall located on the corner of Palasota and Groesbeck
in Bryan. If you are currently a First Degree member, put October 3
on your calendar and make the Second and Third Degree in Bryan.

Our next meeting is Wednesday, October 6. Before than next meeting we
will have pancakes and the Second & Third Degree. So October is
shaping up to be a busy month. How are your raffle ticket sales
coming. Be prepared to say yes when C. J. Romero asks you to help him
sell raffle tickets out in front of Gander Mountain.

Larry Hubbell is looking for some golfers. The Council is trying to
field a golf team for the Angels of Hope Golf Tournament benefitting
Catholic Charities in the Brazos Valley. The tournament is Monday,
October 11 at Briarcrest Country Club in Bryan. Registration for the
tournament begins at 11 am followed by lunch. Golfers will tee off at
1 pm. Entry fee is $125.00. Let Brother Larry know if you’re
interested in playing and helping us fill out at least one team.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight

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By Bobby Reynoso

What: Short “Hike” to help raise funds for local crisis pregnancy center
When: Saturday, October 23rd, 2010
Where: Central Park; located at 1000 Krenek Tap Road, off Earl Rudder Freeway in College Station

Join us in our efforts to support the unborn of today and tomorrow through Hike for Life.

What is Hike for Life?

The Hike has been going on since 1973. Its original mission was to raise funds for crisis pregnancy centers in Dallas. It now seeks to raise money for Crisis Centers throughout Texas as well as seeking to raise awareness of the suffering that surrounds us.

Where do funds go?

Local Crisis Pregnancy Center – Good Samaritan!

How do I get started?

Prior to the actual Hike scheduled for Saturday, October 23rd 9:30am, donations are made through an online portal.  Participants must create a username and join the “Knights3205” team.  Prewritten email invitations requesting donations are then forwarded to family, friends, coworkers, etc. This is how the bulk of donations are made…by casting the net out as far as possible and inviting others to consider donate to the cause.

How do I join the Knights3205 team?

  1. Visit; in the Austin area link click on the College Station drop down menu option. You will then be directed to the team page.
  2. On the far right hand side you will see Team “Knights3205”. After clicking on this you will be directed to our current funds accumulated as well as a Join Our Team link.
  3. Click on the Join Our Team link and agree to the waiver/agreement. Fill out the empty fields and jot down your info here:  Username: _____ Password: _____
  4. Now that you are registered under the Knights3205 team you can send out emails to friends and family.


Bobby Reynoso
Mbl: 979-574-8772

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New members to the District 117

From C.J. Romero,
District Deputy #117

Brother Knights: I want to thank GK Ron Gay and the 1st Degree Exemplification Team for a job well done last night at St. Thomas Aquinas Zurich Hall. We had over 40 brother Knights attend this 1st Exemplification for the new Calender year from District #117 which includes the KC Councils listed below. This is a start and hope we continue getting men into the KC’s and make this a great year. Remember, this years Texas KC Theme is “Passion to Serve” and Texas is looking State wide for 5400 plus new KC members by June 30, 2011.

We had plenty of great comments last night for the 1st Degree Team performance. JOB well done by all. Thanks again for all the knights attending and a great HOWDY for the TA&M Council #10624 for adding 28 new Knights last night at the exemplification. Remember, I want to see all those 1st Degrees KC that came on board last night on Sunday, Oct 3rd, for the Major Degree.

Remember, the Major Degree, 2nd & 3rd Degrees will be held on Sunday, October 3, 2010. It will be hosted by St. Joseph Council # 11759, Chris Nugent GK, starting with a Mass at 8:30 am at St. Joseph Church which is located in Bryan at 26th and Preston. All candidates should be there at the St. Joseph PAC located behind the church by 7:30 am and there will be coffee and donuts prior to Mass. The KC’s will get all paper work completed and line up the candidates for the 8:30 am mass. After Mass, all candidates will drive to St. Anthony Council # 1834, Clarence Lambrecht GK. The KC #1834 hall is located @ 603 Palasota and Groesbeck.

The Major degree team will be out of Houston and the exemplification will start at 10:30 am and continue until both 2nd & 3rd degrees are completed. St. Joseph will host the meal for $7.00 at St. Anthony KC Hall after the exemplification and the meal will be a Chicken dinner and I can testify, St. Joseph has one of the best Cooks in this area. You will definitely enjoy there dinner on Sunday, Oct 3rd.

Please inform all 1st Degrees about this 2n & 3rd degree Exemplifications. We normally have only one per calendar year here in Bryan/College Station. For the 3rd & 4th Degree, if you have not been at major degree from some time, you should attend this one. It will bring back old memories and you get to meet other Knights at the same time. Remember, the food will be very good.

…Thanks DD #117, CJ Romero

Last night, September 15, 2010, St. Thomas Aquinas KC #3205 had a 1st Degree Exemplification. There were a total of 34 new knights from the following Councils of DD#117:

1. Bryan St. Anthony Council # 1834:………………………………………….3 New Members

2. College Station St. Thomas Aquinas Council # 3205:………………..2 New Members

3. Bremond St. Mary Council # 5053:………………………………………….0 New Members

4. Hearne/Franklin Council #10555:……………………………………………0 New Members

5. College Station TA&M Council #10624:…………………………………28 New Members (GO Aggie’s)

6. Bryan St. Joseph Council # 11759:………………………………………….1 New Member

Total of 34 new Knights in DD#117………….Very good start……

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