Benefit/Fundraiser for Jeff Scarmardo May 21, 2011

Benefit/Fundraiser for Jeff Scarmardo

Saturday, May 21, 2011

11am – 4pm

Knights of Columbus Hall:

1500 Groesbeck in Bryan

Red beans with sausage,

rice & cornbread lunch


Silent Auction, raffle and much more

Don Alan Barnett, RPA
Business Personal Property Director

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Lenten Meals – Success! Big THANK YOU

By Grand Knight, Ron Gay


The 2011 Lenten Meals are over, and Council 3205 had a fantastic
season! Thank you to everyone who helped make our Lenten Meals so
successful. We have cleared $2,329.39! That is fantastic! It’s
nearly $400 over budget for the event.

I want to thank Program Director Leonard Muesse, and Church Director
Dan King for an outstanding job of organizing this year’s Lenten
Meals. I also want to thank the Council for “Manning Up” and showing
up to help work and serve this project. We couldn’t have done it with
out the dozens of members who showed up every Friday to lend a hand.
Thanks also to all of our members and their families who showed up to
buy Lenten meals, your financial sacrifice is deeply appreciated. We
also want to thank the “signs” for pointing the way to our Lenten
Meals this year.

Thank you also to Fr. Michael and Fr. Wade; and Deacons Ted, Frank,
Dave and Ron for your promotion of the Lenten Meal project during mass
and Stations of the Cross.

I’m just so proud of this council and it’s members! I just want all
of you to know how important each and every one of your contributions
was to the success of this project. Thank You!

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight
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Lent fish meal starting this Friday

Brother Knights,

Fried Catfish

Fried Catfish Dinner

We have contracted with Rick’s Catering again this year to prepare our annual Lent Fish Fry meals to be served after the Stations of the Cross starting around 6:40 PM. The Fish Fry Lent meals are one of our main fund-raisers. Your assistance will be greatly appreciated and needed to help prepare, serve and clean up after these meals. This is a great way for our Council members to become more acquainted with each other as well as for our new members to get involved with our Council activities.

Our first Fish Fry Lent meal will be held This Friday, March 11th at the PAC. We have 190 meals ordered with 50 reserve meals if needed. Each Lent meal Friday we will need at least 5 Knights to arrive at 5 PM at the PAC. We will need to set up 32 tables for seating 256. Ricky’s Catering will provide the tea for this meal and we will make a pot of coffee. Also needed to be set up will be two serving lines, two ticket sales tables, 2 pizza serving tables, extra trash containers, etc. We will also need to sell tickets, serve the tea, coffee and pizza.

The meal ticket prices will be $9.50 for adults and $7.00 for children 12 and under. The charge for pizza will be $3.50 per person.

Starting at 6:10pm at each Lent meal we will need a total of 11 volunteers to work. We will need 3 people at each ticket table, two taking money and one handing out plates. We will need 3 people serving drinks from the kitchen. We will need 2 people to serve pizza. We will also have to dump trash and clean up after each meal.

The caterer will watch how the “To Go” plates on a weekly basis. If the customers start taking all meat plates to go, we will need to prepare them ourselves. If this becomes the case, we will need 14 volunteers for each Lent meal.

As you can see, many things need to happen before these meals are served to make this a successful fund-raising event. Please make every effort to assist with these meals. The more help there is, the easier it is on everyone else. I will send out a weekly lent meal reminder as well.

Hope to see you this Friday evening.

Also remember that if you cannot assist with serving these Lent meals you CAN support your Council by purchasing meals for you and your family!

If you need to contact me, please do so.

Leonard Muesse
(H) 776-3034
(C) 777-6901

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Turkey Shoot – Somerville-Caldwell-Rockdale Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly #2587

The Somerville-Caldwell-Rockdale Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus Assembly #2587 is having their annual Turkey Shoot.

Sunday, March 13, 2011 starting at 12:30pm

Josiah Barrow Property 6775 Ofczarzak Trail Birch, TX (from the “Korner” @FM 60 and C.R 132, go west on CR 132 (Hemorrhoid Blvd) and follow signs. Ofczarzak Trail is located off C.R. 162)

12 Gauge only, max. 30″ Barrel
20 Shooters per round
$5.00 entry fee per shooter per round

Louisiana Gumbo lunch will be served starting at 11:30am for $8.00 per plate

Proceeds to benefit charities supported by the 4th Degree Knights.

They will provide a gun and assistance for anyone wanting to shoot. Come join them for this charity event.

For more info., call 979-535-4929 or 535-7557

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Superbowl Chili pictures posted

Hello brothers –
Leonard has shared some pictures from the 2011 Superbowl Chili sale. If you have pictures, please let me know and we’ll add them! Let’s all share!
-john romero

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