3rd annual Diocesan Mass For Men – St. Mary in Austin – June 18


The third annual Diocesan Mass For Men will be Saturday, June 18, 2011 @ 10 am in St. Mary’s Cathedral in Austin.  Bishop Joe Vasquez will be the principal celebrant.  We want to have our best showing ever at this year’s Mass For Men.  I know it’s Father’s Day weekend but what better way to celebrate Father’s Day than gather with other men from all over the diocese for a celebration of the Holy Eucharist.  The attendance from our end of the Diocese has not been very good the past couple of years, so I’m giving some thought to organizing a caravan or even renting a bus if there is enough interest.  Contact me at the number below if you’re interested in attending the Diocesan Mass For Men on June 18.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight


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Council meeting moved to June 8


Because the St. Thomas Aquinas Garage Sale has consumed most of our
physical plant there is no room for us to meet on June 1. Our June
Council meeting has been moved to June 8 starting with our rosary in
the Chapel @ 6 pm, followed immediately by our social and dinner. Our
Council meeting will begin promptly @ 7:30 pm.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight

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Grand Knight – Update on happenings at the Council…..

by GK Ron Gay:


We had our regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 4, 2011 in Zurek Hall @ St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. If you were unable to join us, we missed you, and we hope that you will be able to make our next monthly meeting on June 1, 2011.

We had a great program on the Brazos Valley Child Abduction Response Team from our own Ray Thomas.

At our meeting we learned that we have 89% of our pancake teams staffed. The last pancake breakfast on May 1 netted the Council $445.00. The proceeds from this breakfast were to be donated to the
St. Thomas Aquinas Youth going to World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain in August. The Council voted to supplement our pancake breakfast proceeds by $555.00 so that our contribution to the STAY group would total $1,000. Additionally, Brother Charlie Rae donated his $300 in expense reimbursement for the Easter Egg Hunt to the STAY group bringing our total contribution to their World Youth Day trip to $1,300.00!

We had a great Easter Egg Hunt after all the masses on Easter Sunday. Brother Charlie Rae and his wife Patti chaired this event and did an outstanding job. We had a first degree on April 27th and we welcomed two new members into our Council. We have fourteen new members for the fraternal year. We have had to suspend 24 members, most of them for failure to pay their annual dues. For 2010-2011 fraternal year we have a net loss of ten members.

The Council’s annual hamburger cook and corn roast is June 15, 2011 in the PAC @ St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church. Dinner and drinks will be served starting at 6 pm. Brother Al Mazoch is in charge of this event.

The Council’s budget vs actual expenses was reported, and we are having a very good year. Revenues are above budget in most categories, and expenses are under budget. We have raised more than
$15,000 for charity so far this fraternal year. The Texas State Convention will be May 13-15, 2011 in Dallas. Brothers C. J. Romero and Ron Gay will be our delegates, and Brothers Bobby Reynoso and Art Barry will be the alternates.

We reported on the slate of officers for the 2011-2012 fraternal year.

Grand Knight – Ron Gay
Deputy Grand Knight – Darrell Lovelette
Chancellor – Art Barry
Recorder – Mark Schoenemann
Treasurer – Dan King
Advocate – Ray Thomas
Warden – Al Mazoch
Inside Guard – Adam Falco
Outside Guard – Ralf Trujillo
Trustee – Bob Albanese
Trustee – Michael Hlavinka
Trustee – Russ Kellen

The Financial Secretary is an appointed position by the Supreme Knight and so he does not appear on our list of officers to be elected by the Council. Brother Tim Murphy is stepping down after ten (10) years as our Financial Secretary, and we have asked the Supreme Knight to appoint Brother Paul Marvin in his place. Brother Adrian Martinez has also asked to be relieved of his duties as Council Treasurer after ten years in that position,and Brother Dan King has been nominated to replace him.

Thank you Brothers Tim and Adrian for many years of service to our Council.

We will be presenting the 2011-2012 budget at the next meeting, June 1, 2011, and also voting on the slate of officers for the next fraternal year. I hope you can join us.

The $15,000 matching grant for our Sonogram machine at the Coalition For Life has been approved, and we should receive a check in four to six weeks.

Ron Gay, FSD
Grand Knight

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Ribbon cutting ceremony – Ultrasound room – CTOMA

GK Ron Gay and DGK Darrell Lovelett - Ribbon Cutting at CTOMA

On Friday, April 29th, the Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance (CTOMA) had their ribbon cutting ceremony on their new facilities located on 4100 E. 29th Street. Our very own Grand Knight and Deputy Grand Knight, Ron Gay and Darrell Lovelette (respectfully), were there, on hand for the ceremony.

As quoted from the CTOMA website, …”Thanks to the help of the Knights of Columbus which kick started the ultrasound fundraising, the goal is in sight. So far, $15,000 has been raised for the ultrasound equipment…” There will be many volunteer opportunities at CTOMA in the coming months, including the opening of our new ultrasound center! CTOMA is raising funds at this time and will keep you up on the latest developments.

CTOMA, Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, was formed in 2004 to help meet the physical, medical, and spiritual needs of orphans in the U.S. and abroad. Our efforts at CTOMA are currently focused in Haiti, Uganda, Mexico, and Central America.

Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance Logo

Central Texas Orphan Mission Alliance

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Looking for a new Chief Counselor for the Squires Circle

By Ray Thomas


Looking for a new Chief Counselor for the Squires Circle. I will remain on as a counselor, but need new blood for the Chief Counselor and possibly additional counselors.

My son, Joey, will no longer be a Squire as he is 18 and soon to be a Knight.

I believe it is important for the primary counselor(s) to have a son in the circle. I also am about out of new and creative ideas for the boys after 10+ years of BSA and the past few years with the Circle.

Please prayerfully consider this endeavor and contact me with any questions. The boys are getting better at running the Circle themselves, meetings are once a month, minimal paperwork for Supreme records and the Circle’s checking account.

Looking to have Chief Counselor in place by the new fraternal year that begins July 1.


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