Superbowl Sunday – Chili Signup sheets are available

Hello Brother Knights –

Adrian and Al – Cooking Chili Feb 2012

We are preparing for the Superbowl Sunday Chili Fundraiser!

February 2nd 8am to 12noon (or until finished): Set up for the chili
February 3rd 5am to finished – lots of shifts

Here is the link to signup – there are MANY PAGES to signup for – each page has something different – please scroll down in order to see all of them!!!

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Passing of Sir Knight Clarence Prihoda

I am sad to report the passing of a member of our Council, SK Clarence Prihoda.  There will be a fallout of the 4th degree knights for the rosary and funeral of SK Clarence Prihoda.  SK Clarence Prihoda was a 4th degree member of an assembly in Louisiana.  While he did not transfer to our Assembly he was a member of our Council #3205.  There will be a memorial service at Hillier Funeral Home in Bryan on Friday, October 26, between 6pm and 8pm with the Rosary being at 7pm. The Funeral will be on Saturday at 2:30 pm at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church.  Please make every effort to attend both events if possible.  The widow has asked for an honor guard to fall out.  If you can serve, please let SK Al Mazoch know and plan to arrive 30 minutes before each event in full Regalia or Tux and Social Baldric. 

May the souls of the departed rest in peace.

FC SK Arthur Barry III

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Sir Knight Terry Douglas (Assembly 1091/ Council 10759) has passed away

Sir Knights,

I am sad to report the passing of a member of our Assembly SK Terry Douglas. There will be a fallout of the 4th. degree knights for the rosary and funeral of Grand Knight Terry Douglas. Rosary being 7pm. Thursday and funeral at 10am Friday. Both at St. Joseph’s Church. Please make every effort to attend both events if possible. Plan to arrive 30 minutes before each event in full Regalia or Tux and Social Baldric.

SK Jim Bilnoski
FN Assembly 1091

Note: As stated above, SK Terry Douglas was the Grand Knight of St. Joseph Council #10759. SK Terry had a battle with cancer for many months and made many trips to Houston for treatment. SK Terry died Monday and will be at St. Joseph Church for the Wake and the burial.

Please let me know if anyone from our Assembly #2041 can make it to the Wake and the Funeral this Thursday and Friday. I know we just had two (2) fall outs for this Assembly in the past two (2) weeks. I am checking with SK Jim Bilnoski to make sure for the wake time of 6:30 pm at St. Joseph for the 4th Degrees to meet. If you can, please plan to attend and support a brother 4th Degree Knight from Bryan Assembly #1091….

SK FN CJ Romero

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Novena for Life and Liberty and Catholic Pulse

Knights of Columbus Headquarters
1 Columbus Plaza
New Haven, CT 06510

Dear Brother Knight:

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has called on American Catholics to participate in a Rosary Novena for Life and Liberty Oct. 14-22. Knights and their families, in solidarity with our bishops, are encouraged to unite in this prayer for the defense of human life and religious freedom in the United States and around the world.

Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore will lead a Mass and Pilgrimage for Life and Liberty at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C., Sunday, Oct. 14, from 12 to 2:30 p.m. Those in Washington and nearby states who are able to attend are invited to participate in the Mass and Rosary, which will be broadcast by EWTN and other Catholic TV outlets.

More information about the novena and Mass is available at

Knights are also invited to remain informed on current issues by means of, a news portal operated by the K of C. debuted Oct. 1, replacing Headline Bistro as the Order’s source of national, world and Vatican news for Knights and concerned Catholics. Catholic Pulse also provides thoughtful opinions and articles from top Catholic thinkers to help you understand the Church’s perspective on the issues of our day.

Visit to sign up for daily email updates and remain engaged and informed about the news that affects our lives as Catholics every day.

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Fr. Robert (Bob) Herald has passed away…4th Degree members needed for Wake and Funeral

Fr. Bob Herald

Fr. Robert (Bob) Herald died in Hearne on Monday, October 8, 2012. Hillier Funeral Home is handling the burial. Father Bob will have the wake in St. Mary’s Church in Hearne on Thursday afternoon, October 11, 2012 from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm followed by a Rosary. They are asking the 4th degree Knights in Full Regalia for the Wake and also be Pall Bearers for the burial on Friday. We need to have our members fall out for this event. Fr. Bob was our Faithful Friar for Assembly #2041 for several years and loved the Knights of Columbus.

The Mass will be celebrated by Bishop Joe on Friday @ St. Mary’s Church in Hearne. The Mass will start at 10:00 am followed by the burial of Fr. Bob in Hearne. I am also asking Assembly #1091 of Bryan to fall out in Full Regalia with our Assembly #2041 and honor the death of one of our local priest and to be there for our Bishop Joe in Hearne on Friday’s Mass for Fr. Bob Herald.

This Assembly #2041 will talk more tonight at its regular 4th Degree meeting at Zurek Hall. Remember, pot luck dinner, social starts at 6:15 pm followed by meal around 7:00 pm with the 4th Degree meeting starting around 8:00 pm. Hope to see our Sir Knights tonight at the meeting….May the souls of the departed rest in peace.

FN SK CJ Romero

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